BlueCielo Kronodoc 5.0 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About Property Transfer > Main task descriptions > Configuration of Property Transfer from Office documents to Kronodoc

Configuration of Property Transfer from Office documents to Kronodoc

By default, Kronodoc takes summary information from the Office document as input for the new Kronodoc document:

  1. The Office document title is used as the name for the new document
  2. The Office document author is used as the author for the new document
  3. The Office document subject, keywords and comments are concatenated into the description field of the new document in Kronodoc

Additionally, custom properties from Office documents (Properties >> Custom) may be used as input for properties of a Kronodoc document when creating a new document based on an Office file.

This is configured in the configuration file Kronodoc/KRONO/ in the hash $::PropertyTransferMap. The structure of $::PropertyTransferMap is:

$::PropertyTransferMap= {
<template name> => 
        'frommap' => {
<OLE prop> => <Kronodoc prop>
        'preprocess' => {
<OLE prop> => <processing rule>

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